Via Prodi, scartato Letta, Napolitano medita di affidarsi ad un outsider. Il blogger Quadrilatero sarà incaricato di un mandato esplorativo per aggregare un'eterogenea coalizione, e procedere a quelle riforme indispensabili prima di andare al voto? All'inizio della prossima settimana sapremo, in bocca al lupo, e... pedala pedala, Quadrilatero, che la strada è in salita e la tua bici ha le ruote sgonfie.
sabato 26 gennaio 2008
Napolitano: mandato esplorativo ad un blogger?
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1 commenti
Etichette: consultazioni, governo, la strada in salita, napolitano
domenica 20 gennaio 2008
I Guerriglieri del verde
Odiate il cemento che abbruttisce la vostra città? Mano a zappe, semi e piantine, e fate la rivoluzione verde! V'insegnano loro come.
I ragazzi di Guerrilla Gardening, sparsi in tutto il mondo e di recente anche in Italia, cercano aiuole abbandonate e le adottano, alloggiandovi fiori e piantine. Senza autorizzazioni, licenze, ma chi se ne importa, vivaddio!
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Etichette: fiori, guerrilla gardening, piante
mercoledì 2 gennaio 2008
Un augurio per il 2008: Queen - The Miracle
Every drop of rain that falls in Sahara Desert says it all,
It's a miracle,
All God's creations great and small, the Golden Gate and the Taj Mahal,
That's a miracle,
Test tube babies being born, mothers, fathers dead and gone,
It's a miracle,
We're having a miracle on earth, mother nature does it all for us,
The wonders of this world go on, the hanging Gardens of Babylon,
Captain Cook and Cain and Able, Jimi Hendrix to the Tower of Babel
It's a miracle, it's a miracle, it's a miracle, it's a miracle,
The one thing we're all waiting for, is peace on earth - an end to war,
It's a miracle we need - the miracle, the miracle we're all waiting for today,
If every leaf on every tree, could tell a story that would be a miracle,
If every child on every street, had clothes to wear and food to eat,
That's a miracle,
If all God's people could be free, to live in perfect harmony,
It's a miracle, we're having a miracle on earth,
Mother nature does it all for us
Open hearts and surgery, Sunday mornings with a cup of tea,
Super powers always fighting,
But Mona Lisa just keeps on smiling,
The wonders of this world go on,
It's a miracle, it's a miracle, it's a miracle, it's a miracle,
The one thing we're all waiting for, is peace on earth and an end to war,
It's a miracle we need, the miracle, the miracle,
Peace on earth and end to war today,
That time will come one day you'll see when we can all be friends...
(tratto da: Fabuland, autrice: Monica)
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Etichette: queen, the miracle, vera, youtube